For Those Of You Who Were Offended By The Autism Motivational Poster….

Hope this one  gets you even more pissed off.

For some people not shitting their pants in public qualifies them as superheroes. So True. So True!

15 Responses to “For Those Of You Who Were Offended By The Autism Motivational Poster….”

  1. Joyce DeWitt Says:

    That kid looks like Intransitivus, only skinnier

  2. Wow..doesn’t really make me mad..Just hurts to see so much hate.I did everything right in my pregnancy,to say the moms smoke crack is ridiculous.Satan is powerful,and has a hold of you,but Jesus is even more powerful,and the vengence is his.I have learned in life though that the ones that throw the insults are the ones that are unhappy with themselves.Must suck to be you when looking in a mirror everyday.You will stand before him on judgement day and explain to HIM why u are such a SHAME.KARMA is a powerful thing.Its going to bite YOU real soon

  3. Absolutely racist. Just because you may be just bored or have no life doesn’t mean you have to be a troll and label any kind of people maliciously. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You call autistic people “assholes”? I guess you’re labeling yourself as “autistic” too. You have no idea what it’s like to not be a able to get everything processed verbally.

  4. Oh shut the fuck up if you don’t like it then take your autistic or crippled ass to another website and post your drivel there.

  5. anonymous Says:

    Really? I hope one day you get beat the fuck out of by someone who is autistic. The world is a horrible place because of piece of shit judgemental ignorant fuck heads like you. Post a pic of yourself, I bet you look no better, even worse than they do. Not to mention autistic people have more manners and kindness than you do. If I wasn’t behind this keyboard and you were right in front of me I would fuck you up so bad, post a video of your broken bones and bleeding face just so the world could laugh at YOU. I would make you my bitch! But since I can’t, you sir are a malicious pig that will one day get your karma for the ignorant shit you do. FUCK YOU

    • If you are autistic or have assburgers then you’re not kicking anyone’s ass. Chances are you were the kid who got beat up by the jocks in high school and they made you suck their cocks….and it turns out you enjoyed it. This happened to a guy I knew in Coplay, PA. Sad.

    • Oh BTW, you’re so tough from behind your keyboard. What are you going to do to kick my ass? Choke me with your colostomy bag? LMAO

  6. anonymous Says:

    I bet your parents are ashamed, plus I hope they are dead because living to know you are someones child is sickening. Makes Me wonder if you were raped by your father. Got a drunken mother? Was bullied? Or you had a perfect life and never had a taste of reality. Either way I’m hoping and wishing you get hit by a car and are permanently paralyzed from the waist down with brain injuries causing you to shit your pants on a daily basis. Also, I hope you get stabbed by thousands of aids infected needles causing you live a very painful and slow death.

  7. anonymous Says:

    There is no hope for this world. Stupid motherfuckers like YOU ruin anyone having a chance to make a change. Burn in hell you rotten fucking scum bag

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